Since 2002, our customers can buy our products online. The team Laguiole Actiforge meets to all your requests.
How is it that we can find Laguiole knives anywhere and at any price?
Even in our information era, it is not so easy to check the quality of knives sold online. Where were they made, following which process, using which types of materials and where do the blades come from ? So many questions that may go unanswered with some Laguiole knives manufacturers.
At Actiforge, we are completely transparent concerning our manufacturing processes, the origins of our metal. We know it, quality is first in our clients’ minds. Thanks to our expertise and the skill of our cutlery making craftsmen, we offer you a lifelong guarantee on our knives. We have also signed the Quality Label ‘Guaranteed French Origin’, spearhead of the Made in France movement which guarantees complete transparency concerning the origin of your Laguiole knife.
We did choose to give you the possibility to shop online in 2002, yet it doesn’t mean that we have compromised on the quality that we offer in traditional shops.
The Laguiole knife and its name have been inherited from our ancestors.
Unfortunately these early knifemakers forgot to patent the name within the legal time limit of 20 years, after which the product and its name could no longer be protected.
Furthermore, the protection afforded by the label A.O.C. (Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée ) only relates to foodstuffs, so in this case is not applicable.
Consequently, anyone at all can use the name Laguiole on any goods he wishes.
These knives are all very convincing, with their Laguiole name tag and bearing the traditional bee.
The cheap copies are placed in first position on shopping engines
These goods are not produced in France and more often than not come from Asia.
You have no guarantee at all with these products.
- The blade bears the stamp of knifemaker
This stamps is a name or a symbol that completes "Laguiole". This trademark is registered with the INPI. It allows you to find the French manufacturer.
- Warranty
When you buy a Laguiole knife, make sure you receive a garantee, showing the name, address and telephone number of the producer.
Beware of cut-price articles, not bearing the logo of the French Knifemakers' Federation. This logo can be found on all quality knives made in France
Laguiole Actiforge offers you these guarantees.
You can be sure that you are buying a genuine quality knife, made in France.
The whole Actiforge Laguiole team is at your service to answer any specific request.
Discover our lifetime guarantee for all Laguiole knives