All our handles are crafted from the solid tip of the animal’s horn. This is the finest and most valuable part, since it is also the densest area (being the oldest). It is also of the greatest rarity (measuring only a small part of the entire horn; sometimes only a dozen centimetres or so).
In former times, our ancestors preferred it to wood as the passing of time made it more resistant and softer to the touch.
We may observe different colours for white horn, which can range from intense white to translucent green.
Ram horns are thick and extremely solid. They have clearly defined wave configurations, especially where the horn joins the animal’s head. They come in various shades: white, black, sometimes marbled with grey or brown.
Cow or bull horns vary in colour from white to black through a series of very diverse shades (brown, green, chestnut, etc…).
As with every animal, the horns are unique. You therefore have the guarantee that no two knives will be the same, since the handles are made from a unique portion of the horn.
N.B.: horn is a natural material, and therefore with time your handle may dry out and become fibrous on the surface. To prevent this from happening, please remember to oil your handle from time to time to treat it like wood.
Never wash your knife, simply wipe the blade with a soft and slightly damp cloth.